“Digitisation: learning from Estonia” – this was the motto of the Baltic Economic Day hosted by the IHK Nord Westfalen in Münster on 13.07.2018. The President of the Republic of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid, spoke about the development of the digitisation of the Baltic state.

The managing board of the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce Florian Schröder and his employees of the Chamber of Commerce Abroad (AHK) were available to the participating company representatives of the region for exchange and questions regarding market development, including our export manager Bastian Apitz.

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Apitz IHK

“In various countries we have already had very good experiences with the AHK and the possibility of a direct discussion with a representative of the AHK Baltic seemed to us to be a suitable first step”, Bastian Apitz about the participation at the business day.

Interesting discussions with first-hand background information on cultural differences and market structures as well as a perspective market analysis based on the industries most interestingly classified by bwh Koffer allow Mr Apitz an optimistic glance into the future. “The Baltic states, with their cultural and geographical proximity, as members of the EU and the positive economic development, are interesting sales countries for bwh Koffer,” said Apitz.