Legal notice

Company information (in accordance with Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act)

bwh Spezialkoffer GmbH
Saltenwiesestiege 54
48477 Hörstel-Bevergern

Phone: +49 (0) 5459 9339 0
Fax: +49 (0) 5459 9339 39


Managing director as authorized representative:
Karl-Heinz Wriedt

Court of registration: Amtsgericht Steinfurt
Registry number: HRB 5291
VAT identification number: DE 813822545

Responsible for the content according to Section 55 Paragraph 2 RStV:
Karl-Heinz Wriedt (Address see above)

References for the pictures and graphics used

Concept & Realization of Website:

Cows Online GmbH,

Privacy policy

You will find our privacy statement on a separate page. Please click on this link to read our privacy statement.

Any more questions? Feel free to contact us!